Philippine Higher Education Student Organization Accreditation Program (PHESOAP)

An initiative that accredits student organizations in the higher education institutions (HEIs) of the country to establish relationship among them for the promotion of Filipino values, good citizenship, principled leadership, good governance and in the quest for excellent service.  To provide a venue on strong linkage among in-school and off-school organizations.

Once your organization is accredited it is automatically entered to the registry.

Philippine Higher Education Student Organization Registry Program (PHESORP)

An initiative to create a country - wide directory of student organization for speedy delivery of information on development programs, exchanges, projects and advocacies.  A quick reference by funding agencies, non – governmental organization and civil societies for possible funding or project support.


1. A resolution or letter of intent from the organization duly noted by the advisers/consultants, student affairs director and school president.

2.  A complete list of officers with their corresponding contact numbers and addresses.

3.  A copy of Organization Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Objectives.

4. A copy of the duly ratified Constitution and Bylaws or Charter or its equivalent instruments.

5.  A copy of this year's Project and Activity Plan.

6.  A copy of recent Accomplishment Report.

7.  Accomplished PHESOAP Application Form.

During the Closing Ceremonies, a Certificate of Accreditation shall be awarded to the applying organization.